QA scripts of
  Short name Description Local script file Last modified Active
Run BW Envelope Characterisation CrossChecks QCs Once there are the three required files (one per schema) and all data importers have been finished, this QA Script will execute the cross checks validations for Characterisation file. BW_Characterisation_CrossChecks.fmw
Run BW Envelope MonitoringResult CrossChecks QCs Once there are the three required files (one per schema) and all data importers have been finished, this QA Script will execute the cross checks validations for MonitoringResult file. BW_MonitoringResult_CrossChecks.fmw
Run BW Envelope QC It detects if there is one file per schema and no more. BW_Envelope.fmw
Run BW Envelope SeasonalPeriod CrossChecks QCs Once there are the three required files (one per schema) and all data importers have been finished, this QA Script will execute the cross checks validations for SeasonalPeriod file. BW_SeasonalPeriod_CrossChecks.fmw