View stylesheet

XML schema
Output type RDF
Description Show as RDF
XSL file sitemap2void.xslt (Last modified: 09 Aug 2012 15:18 )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    xmlns      =""
    xmlns:cr   =""
    xmlns:s    =""
    xmlns:sc   =""
    xmlns:rdf  =""
    xmlns:rdfs =""
    xmlns:bibo =""
    xmlns:dcterms =""
    xmlns:dcat =""
    xmlns:void ="">

<!-- sitemapindex2void.xslt is identical to sitemap2void.xslt
     $Id: sitemap2void.xslt 12458 2012-08-09 13:16:55Z roug $

<output indent="yes" method="xml" media-type="application/rdf+xml" encoding="UTF-8" omit-xml-declaration="no"/>

<template match="s:sitemapindex">
    <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf ="" >
        <apply-templates select="s:sitemap" />

<template match="s:sitemap">
        <attribute  name="rdf:about">
            <value-of select="normalize-space(s:loc)" />

<template match="s:urlset">
    <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf ="" >
        <apply-templates select="sc:dataset" />
        <apply-templates select="s:url" />

<template match="s:url">
    <element name="bibo:Webpage">
        <!-- map sc:datasetURI to dataset -->
        <attribute  name="rdf:about">
            <value-of select="normalize-space(s:loc)" />
        <!-- This means we'll harvest the page -->
        <element name="rdf:type">
            <attribute  name="rdf:resource"></attribute>

<template match="sc:dataset">
    <element name="dcat:Dataset">
        <!-- map sc:datasetURI to dataset -->
        <if test="normalize-space(sc:datasetURI) = ''">
            <attribute  name="rdf:ID">
                <value-of select="generate-id()"/>
        <if test="normalize-space(sc:datasetURI) != ''">
            <attribute  name="rdf:about">
                <value-of select="sc:datasetURI" />

        <!-- map sc:datasetLabel to rdfs:label -->
        <element name="rdfs:label">
                <value-of select="sc:datasetLabel" />

        <!-- process sub-elements  -->
        <apply-templates select="sc:sampleURI" />
        <apply-templates select="sc:sparqlEndpointLocation" />
        <apply-templates select="sc:dataDumpLocation" />
        <apply-templates select="sc:linkedDataPrefix" />

<!-- map sc:sampleURI to void:exampleResource -->
<template match="sc:sampleURI">
    <element name="void:exampleResource">
        <attribute name="rdf:resource">
            <value-of select="." />

<!-- map sc:sparqlEndpointLocation to void:sparqlEndpoint -->
<template match="sc:sparqlEndpointLocation">
    <element name="void:sparqlEndpoint">
        <attribute name="rdf:resource">
            <value-of select="." />

<!-- map sc:dataDumpLocation to void:dataDumpLocation -->
<template match="sc:dataDumpLocation">
    <element name="void:dataDumpLocation">
              <cr:File> <!-- Could also use -->
        <attribute name="rdf:about">
            <value-of select="." />

<!-- map sc:linkedDataPrefix to void:uriPattern -->
<template match="sc:linkedDataPrefix">
    <element name="void:uriRegexPattern">^<value-of select="." />$</element>

<!-- ignore the rest of the DOM -->
<template match="text()|@*|*"><apply-templates /></template>
